Bell Helicopter delivers first VIP Bell 429 to UK customer

Bell 429
UK customer TJ Morris Limited accepted the new helicopter during the grand opening of the new Heli-Charter facility at Manston Airport in Kent.
Bell Helicopter delivered a VIP Bell 429 to TJ Morris Limited, which became the first UK customer to accept a helicopter of that type.
“We are delighted to count Mr. Morris as a new Bell Helicopter customer, said Patrick Moulay, Bell Helicopter’s managing director in Europe.
He added: “The delivery of the first VIP Bell 429 into the UK signifies the continued expansion of Bell Helicopter in Europe, as well as the growing endorsement of the Bell 429 for corporate missions around the world. In addition, another VIP-configured Bell 429 will be delivered in the UK this month to Starspeed.”
Core topicsAircraft
TopicsHelicopter News
OrganisationsBell Helicopter Heli-Charter
PeopleTJ Morris
AircraftBell 429