Airbus Helicopters delivers helicopters to Spanish police and road authority

Spanish National Police Airbus Helicopters EC135 (Credit: Pablo Rada)
Airbus Helicopters has delivered an EC135 to the Spanish National Police Force and the first AS355 NP for the Spanish Road Transport Authority (DGT).
These deliveries are the first AS355 NP and first EC135 of a seven helicopter contract signed in February 2014.
The deliveries will be completed in 2016.
ALSO READ: Spanish Traffic Department signs contract for seven helicopters
The DGT has a fleet of 12 helicopters operating from its central headquarters in Madrid as well as from regional bases. The DGT operates one of the largest fleets of the AS355 NP in the world.
The Police Aerial Services will now have a total of 14 EC135s, which are used for surveillance and other police missions.