EASA re-elects Patrick Ky as its executive director
The Management Board of the European Aviation Safety Agency announces the re-election by a unanimous vote of Patrick Ky (50) as the Agency’s Executive Director for a second term of 5 years.
Patrick Ky declared: “It is an honour and privilege to have been entrusted with the inspiring role of leading EASA for the next 5 years. Later this year a new scope of activities for the Agency will be adopted by the EU. In parallel, the aviation industry is transforming at a faster pace than ever before. These are among the very exciting challenges that EASA will be faced with and that I am looking forward to take up with the support of the highly professional staff of the Agency”.
Pekka Henttu, Chairman of EASA’s Management Board commented: “The full support of all the Member States and the Commission indicates in Patrick’s re-election that EASA’s heading is the right one. Patrick is the best man for the job. He has demonstrated a great sense of leadership over the last 5 years to position EASA as the pivotal element of the European Aviation System. I look forward to continue working closely with him during the next 5 years”.