Kopter announces a first firm order with SAS from Malaysia

SAS Kopter SH09
Amsterdam, 16 October 2018 – At Helitech 2018, Systematic Aviation Services (SAS) from Malaysia has signed a firm order with Kopter for one SH09 helicopter in passenger transport configuration that will based out of the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport at Kuala Lumpur.
To promote this new customer, Kopter has wrapped its first prototype (P1) using the paint scheme of SAS, and is exhibiting it on the Kopter booth at Helitech.
SAS operates a mixed fleet of single, twin turbine helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft and is a key player in the region with missions covering corporate and private charter, medevac, land survey, aerial photography and filming. The company is also a reputed Part 145 maintenance center and CAMO, serving clients from the private sector as well as key operators from the para-public domain.
Ismail Ashaari, CEO has built the capability to customise, design and adapt solutions for their clients on the basis of a Design Organization Approval (DOA) and believes the SH09 will enable his operations to further expand its commercial activities and open new areas of development such as shuttle, island hopping and touristic flights.
The order is perfectly timed with recent outlooks indicating that the region offers tremendous untapped touristic potential for flights and adventures, where the SH09 will stand out with its large cabin and exceptional field of view.
SAS is seasoned in having already introduced new aircraft types into the region and Kopter believes this experience can only strengthen the market entry of the SH09 and be the start of a long term client-partnership.
Ismail Ashaari, CEO of SAS, is present in Amsterdam to mark this announcement, showing that Helitech has become a global event, attracting visitors from far beyond Europe.