OPINION: Coping with Coronavirus

Nobody could have predicted the impact of the coronavirus. Even now, its full consequences are less than clear. In a little over a month, we have moved from a handful of reported cases outside China to a global pandemic with more than 174,000 cases.
In the frontline of the battle against Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, at least in the helicopter sector, is the Italian manufacturer Leonardo.
Last week, Leonardo asked employees who could work from home to do so. Those who have to work at its manufacturing sites and other facilities have been asked to work intermittently in regimented shifts. The company is doing everything it can to keep producing aircraft.
On Sunday, Leonardo issued a new emergency management plan, which saw all production activities halted for two days (Monday March 16th and Tuesday March 17th) as facilities are cleaned and sanitised.
For those working at production sites, Leonardo has enforced a strict one metre distance between workers at all times.
Italy is now the most affected country, outside China, with a total of more than 15,000 confirmed cases and thousands more each day.
The manufacturer is one of Italy’s largest employers, employing 29,000 people across its 70 facilities across the country. It is implementing new countermeasures daily, showing resilience in the face of this global pandemic. Perhaps Leonardo can teach the world valuable lessons about to maintain production in the face of extreme adversity. Read more about Leonardo’s response to the Coronavirus here.
We hope all our readers stay safe.
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