Spanish Traffic Department signs contract for seven helicopters

Spainish Traffic Department's Airbus Helicopters AS355 NP (Credit: L Vizcaino)
Airbus Helicopters has signed a contract with the Spanish Traffic Department for seven helicopters, consisting of four AS355NP Ecureuils and three EC135s.
The EC135s will be operated by Spain’s National Police Force. Helicopters delivery will begin in 2014 – with an EC135 and an AS355NP – and will be completed in 2016.
The Spanish Traffic Department (DGT) has a fleet of 18 helicopters, which are used for surveillance, traffic regulation and highway patrols from its central headquarters in Madrid and peripheral patrols throughout Spanish territory (excluding Catalonia and the Basque Country).
Francisco Vergé, CEO of Airbus Helicopters, said the new contract “constitutes a further vote of confidence by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior in our helicopters, which make up their entire fleet and have proven their worth on a range of different missions.”