Papillon Group pilots goes pink in October

Papillon line up
Papillon Group pilots are showing their support for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing an ornamental pink epaulette shoulder piece.
ALSO READ: Papillon unveils Golden ‘Copter 50’
The tradition began in 2013 when one of Papillon Group’s pilots wore pink epaulettes to honour a loved one who had been impacted by the disease. The simple yet powerful fashion statement quickly spread among the pilots.
This year, Papillon has purchased and distributed the pink epaulettes to their pilots to show company-wide support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Grand Canyon aerial tour company plans to continue the annual tradition for years to come.
“Breast cancer affects so many families. This is our way of remembering our loved ones as we’re showing support for anyone involved in the fight against breast cancer.”
Brenda Halvorson, chairman of the board, Papillon Group said: “Breast cancer affects so many families. This is our way of remembering our loved ones as we’re showing support for anyone involved in the fight against breast cancer. I am so proud of the enthusiasm our pilots and staff have shown toward this initiative.”