Signature SRL orders a Bell 505 Jet Ranger X

Paul Hellmers
Signature SRL of Paraguay has signed a letter of intent (LoI) for a Bell 505 Jet Ranger X. The aircraft will be used for corporate transport in Paraguay.
“We are pleased to sign for the Bell 505 and look forward to integrating the aircraft into our operations.”
Paul Hellmers, co-owner of Signature SRL said: “We are pleased to sign for the Bell 505 and look forward to integrating the aircraft into our operations.”
The Bell 505 has accumulated more than 380 LOIs around the globe. The aircraft is on track for certification in 2016 and has completed more than 800 test hours.
Jay Ortiz, vice president of Latin American sales added: “The Bell 505 continues to generate excitement throughout Latin America; as customers begin to experience the aircraft’s capabilities, they will see the value proposition of integrating this aircraft into their daily operations. The Bell 505 is a value leader in the short light single market, and we look forward to delivering this high-performing aircraft to our customers.”