Helicopter Investor London 2015: Speakers

Helicopter Investor London 2015 is the second annual conference for the people driving the commercial helicopter market.
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Confirmed speakers for Helicopter Investor London 2015

John Turesson, Senior Transaction Manager, Project, Asset and Export Finance, SEB
John Mannion, Assistant Treasurer and Director of Asset Finance, Bristow Group
David Crick, Partner, Lloyds Asset Services
Ed Washecka, Chief Execuive Officer, Waypoint Leasing
Sharon Desfor, President, HeliValue$
Bruce Marshall, General Counsel, AIC Title
Robert, van de Vuurst, Shareholder, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Clark McGinn, Managing Director, CHC Leasing
Eric Chartier, Airbus Helicopters Customer Financing, Airbus Group
Senior representative, JSSI
Phillipe Foulon, Head of Specialized Asset Finance & Aviation, SG Equipment Finance

We are still finalising the agenda. If you are interested in speaking, please e-mail: [email protected]

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