Bell Helicopter delivers first Bell 429s to Nigeria
Bell has delivered two helicopters to Nigeria, one Bell 429 to the Nigeria Police Air Wing and a Bell 429 to the Nigeria Emergency Management Agency.
Bell has delivered two helicopters to Nigeria, one Bell 429 to the Nigeria Police Air Wing and a Bell 429 to the Nigeria Emergency Management Agency.
These Nigerian deliveries are the first 429 deliveries on the continent of Africa. NPAW will utilize the Bell 429 for general law enforcement, surveillance and force projection. NEMA will fly the aircraft for disaster relief and humanitarian support missions.
“Our Nigerian customers are thrilled to be the first Bell 429 operators in Africa. The Bell 429 is the most technologically advanced and capable light-twin helicopter in the marketplace and will serve the NPAW and NEMA well for many years to come,” said Robert Prentice, vice president, Aircraft Sales, Africair, a Bell Helicopter independent representative in Africa. “They are particularly impressed with Bell Helicopter’s reputation for exceptional product support.”
NPAW is a long-standing Bell Helicopter customer, having operated several Bell helicopter models including the Bell 47, 206, 427, 412, and now, the Bell 429. Both NPAW and NEMA formally accepted the Bell 429s at the Bell Helicopter facility in Piney Flats. Final delivery of the aircraft took place upon completion of EASA-approved customisations.