Thailand acquires six EC145 T2 helicopters


Airbus Helicopters EC145 T2

The Royal Thai Air Force willo acquire six Airbus Helicopters EC145 T2 aircraft. The helicopters will be fitted in a VIP configuration and used on official passenger transportation duties.

The delivery of the helicopters are scheduled to start in 2016.

ALSO READ: Airbus Helicopters: one year on

Philippe Monteux, Airbus Helicopters’ head of region south-east Asia and Pacific said: “By acquiring the EC145 T2, the Royal Thai Army again demonstrates its confidence in Airbus Helicopters’ products and services, following the successful entry into service of the AS550 C3e Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters in 2014 and the imminent delivery of the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopters from the United States.”

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