Tradewind International completes part out of two Dauphins

Airbus Helicopters AS365N Dauphin
Tradewind International of Janesville, WI have completed the part out of two Airbus Helicopters AS365N Dauphins.
Both airframes (EI-MIP C/N 6119 built in 1984 and G-BLUM C/N 6101 built in 1985) were last operated by CHC Helicopter in Norway and have been stripped of all useful parts.
The aircraft arrived without the main rotors and engines, however, the airframes were essentially complete and yielded many valuable parts, accessories, instruments and avionics.
Tom Huismann, vice president of Tradewind International said: “The parting out process yielded a large supply of valuable items, which will help to keep other Dauphines in the air, doing what they were meant to do.”
“What remains of the two airframes remind me of fish skeletons that have been picked clean, and we are now seeking a buyer for those bones,” Huismann added.
Tradewind International was established in 1991 and the company purchase excess inventory from helicopter operators, as well as reclaiming useful parts from retired airframes.