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Pre-conference – 2nd February 2016
16.00 | Early registration
19.00 | Cocktail reception hosted by Vedder Price at the Roof Gardens, Kensington
20.00 | Aircraft Dealmakers Dinner at the Roof Gardens, Kensignton
21.30 | After Party hosted by AIC Title Service
Day One – 3rd February 2016
08.00 | Networking breakfast
08.50 | Opening remarks and welcome
Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
09.00 | Commercial helicopters 2016-2025
- Outlook for the Offshore Helicopter Market
– Stephen Robertson, Douglas Westwood - What now and what’s next for values?
– Sharon Desfor, HeliValue$ - The future for helicopter finance
– Jaspal Jandu, Lease Corporation International - Ten years helicopter delivery forecast
– Chris Seymour, Ascend Flightglobal Consultancy
10.20 | Operators’ Q&A – managing at $50
- Is now the time to buy?
- Is there enough finance available?
- Are OEMs and leaasing companies doing enough to help?
Moderated by Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
Russ Allen, WestStar
10.40 | Morning coffee hosted by Finmeccanica
11.10 | Making flying safer: HeliOffShore
- What has HeliOffShore done so far?
- Where are operators focusing on?
- How can financiers and others make a difference?
- Cost-cutting and safety
Gretchen Haskins, HeliOffshore
11.30 | Investing throughout the cycle
- Why now is a good time to upgrade
- Managing through the cycle
Daniel Rosenthal, Milestone Aviation
11.50 | Outsourcing SAR – lessons from the UK
- Why did the government choose to outsource?
- How is it working so far?
- Will other cash strapped countries follow?
Damien Oliver, Maritime Coastguard Agency
12.10 | Lunch hosted by Lobo Leasing
14.00 | Key legal issues for operators and financiers?
Moderated by Edward Gross, Vedder Price
Bruce Marshall, AIC Title Service
Zohar Zik, Holman Fenwick Willan
14.40 | Selling helicopters to the capital markets
- Educating investors without large volumes
- How big do deals need to be?
- Is there still appetite for helicopters or are they tarnished by oil?
Moderated by Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
Joseph Ryan, Goldman Sachs
Paul Wilson, Chiral Capital
Grant Newman, Deutsche Bank
Carla Schriver, Goldman Sachs
15:20 Finmeccanica Helicopters: Flexibility to Cope with Market Changes
Roberto Garavaglia, SVP Strategy & Business Development
15.40 | Afternoon tea hosted by Finmeccanica
16.00 | Export credit for rotary assets
- Will ECAs take a long term view on contracts?
- Are ECAs now lenders of first resort?
Moderated by Rex Rosales, Watson Farley & Williams
Viren Joshi, Export Development Canada
Kirsten Bartok, Air Finance Capital
David Fiore, Export Import Bank of US
16.40 | Managing maintenance risk
Raymond Weiser, JSSI
17.00 | Bell Helicopter: The 2016 market
Senior representative, Bell Helicopter
17.20 | Reasons to be cheerful – McGinn’s half hour
- Why helicopters are greatest financial assets in the world, regardless of what the oil price is.
Clark McGinn, Waypoint Leasing
17.50 | Close of day one
Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
18.15 | Cocktail reception hosted by Watson Farley & Williams
20.00 | Helicopter Investor Historic Pub Tour (meet in lobby) hosted by Lloyds Asset Services
Day Two – 4th February 2016
08.30 | Networking breakfast
09.20 | Opening remarks
Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
09.30 | Broker panel: Trading rotary assets
- Are all the markets suffering?
- Are there any signs of recovery in the smaller market?
William Sturm, Avpro
Jean Marc Youkhana, Uplifting Aviation
Nadav Kessler, Asian Sky Group
Aubrey Point, Avinco
10.10 | Investing in rotary assets
- What to look for when investing in an operator
- Opportunities in the US vs the rest of the world
Joe Hawke, Hawke Aerospace
10.30 | Offshore Operations – Navigating Through the Downturn
- Capacity response – not like the airline business
- Opportunities for the nimble
- Operators and financiers partner up
John Mannion, Kylemore Group
10.50 | Morning coffee hosted by Milestone Aviation Group
11.20 | Helicopters in a downturn – the debt provider’s view
- How are banks reacting to low oil prices?
- Risks facing lessors and operators
- What keeps credit people awake at night?
- Impact on demand for helicopter risk in the debt capital markets.
Philippe Foulon, SG Equipment Finance
Rafael Kuhn, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
Phillip Bolt, Bolt Advisory
Nick Fazioli, Jefferies International
12.00 | Diversifying towards mature mission segments
- EMS, Public Services, Utility: business models
- Business models and products at stake
- Should lessors buy light twins?
Fabrice Arfi, Airbus Helicopters
12.20 | Helicopter values – the only way is up
- How much does oil and gas hit all types?
- Are there any signs of recovery in smaller helicopters?
David Crick, Lloyds Asset Services
Sharon Desfor, HeliValue$
Usman Ahmed, IBA Group
Chris Wills, Ascend Flightglobal Consultancy
13.00 | Lunch hosted by HeliValue$
14.20 | Panel: Helicopters operating leasing faces its first test
- How hard are customers failing?
- How do you price lease rates in a down market?
- Does the model still work?
Moderated by Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
Crispin Maunder, LCI Helicopters
Bill Wolf, Lobo Leasing
Ed Washecka, Waypoint Leasing
15.00 | From pilot shortage to redundancies
- Are oil fields and operators thinking too short-term?
- Will pilots return and new entrants commit to training?
- What happens when contracts are transferred – CHC/DanCopter case study
Jim McAuslan, BALPA
15.20 | Helicopter Investor Challenge
15.40 | Closing remarks
Alasdair Whyte, Helicopter Investor
15.45 | End of day and afternoon tea hosted by Milestone Aviation Group
Click here to see the Corporate Jet Investor London agenda
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