HelicopterBuyer sells Bell 412 for CareFlight

CareFlight Bell 412
HelicopterBuyer has sold a Bell 412 (S/N: 33019, Reg: VH-XCN) behalf of CareFlight Group from Brisbane, Australia.
The aircraft will be converted from an EMS role to a mountain rescue role before delivery to Heli-Austria.
“We believe the sale of the Bell 412 is a part of a trend we have been seeing as utility operators are looking for medium helicopter alternatives that offer multi-role capability, increased speed, smoother ride, greater external load capability, and better long-term OEM support.” said Mark Clancy, president, HelicopterBuyer, “HelicopterBuyer specialises, in large part, in the Bell 412’s and we expect to see this trend continue.”
“Our buyer has developed creative ways to reduce empty weight and improve lift capacity; increase high/hot performance with the installation of the BLR Fast Fin and Strake; and improve safety with one-engine inoperative (OEI) performance with the installation of PT6T-3DF engines,” added Clancy.
Heli-Austria, developed the PT6T-3DF Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) installation for the early model “classic” Bell 412’s.
“The improvements Heli-Austria has made to lighten the empty weight with strong PT6T-3DF engine margins allow our Bell 412 to outperform the Bell 212 and 205A-1 in many high altitude environments and circumstances.” said Roy Knaus, president, Heli-Austria.