MD Helicopters MD520N: Buyer’s and Investor’s Guide

MD Helicopters MD520N
The MD Helicopters MD 520N is part of the MD500 series of helicopters.
MD Helicopters is a Lynn Tilton company based in the US. Other MD500 series currently in production include the MD500E and a military version, the MD530F. The MD520N has one unique feature it has no tail rotor. It is first civil aircraft to a be fitted with a NoTailRotor (NOTAR).
Mission: Corporate, Aerial Law Enforcement, VIP
First Delivery: 1976
Fleet: Over 4,700
Category: Light Single
Max Speed (Vne): 152 knots (175 mph/282 kmh)
Max Cruise (Vh): 125 knots (144 mph/232 kmh)
Max Range: 375 miles (605kms)
Max takeoff gross weight: 3,000 lb (1,361 kg)
Empty weight: 1,481 lb (672 kg)
Passengers: 3 (2 crew) or 4 with single pilot