CHC Helikopter Service wins new contract with DNO for North Sea ops

CHC Helikopter Service is part of CHC, which serves the oil and gas industry worldwide.
CHC Helikopter Service, the Norwegian division of CHC Helicopter, has signed a new contract with oil and gas operator DNO extending its support for operations in the North Sea.
The Norwegian division will provide crew change and transportation services for two key rigs: the Noble Invincible and the Deepsea Yantai. Operations for the Noble Invincible, sited at the Falstaff wells, are set to start at the end of August 2024.
Operations at the Deepsea Yantai, operating at the Kjøttkake wells, will begin operations in December 2024/January 2025. The missions will be supported by CHC’s Sikorsky S-92 aircraft.
Helge Aase Nesvåg, senior commercial director EMEA-E, CHC said: “DNO’s decision to continue this partnership underscores their confidence in CHC’s ability to deliver a superior, safe, reliable, and efficient crew transportation services in some of the most challenging environments.” The new contract further cements CHC’s position as the preferred partner for offshore transportation in the region, added Nesvåg.
CHC Helicopter said in addition to supporting energy companies, such as Aker BP, Equinor, and OKEA, the company is expanding its global search and rescue (SAR) and helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) missions. It currently has projects in Norway, Australia, Brazil, UK and the Netherlands.
Meanwhile, read our recent deep dive interview with Kevin Spengler, CHC’s senior vice president, Helicopter Services.