ERA gives H225 updates

ERA will not be reintroducing the Airbus H225 “Super Puma,” despite UK and Norwegian authorities lifting their grounding.
The operator has no plans to reintroduce its fleet of nine H225s unless it can “develop a detailed safety case that demonstrates the H225 model can be operated safely”, it says in a statement.
ERA has five H225s grounded in the US, three in Brazil and one in Norway. It will be operating other heavy and medium helicopters in the model’s place. Helicopter Investor contacted ERA but it was unable to comment further on its plans for its fleet.
The H225, which was valued at $156.5 million in June by ERA, was grounded after a CHC-operated Super Puma helicopter crashed in Turoy, Norway. The crash was caused by a crack in the main rotor gearbox.
Ongoing case
The Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN) opened an investigation into the fatal incident, and many operators grounded their Super Puma fleets.
While the investigation is ongoing, both Norway and UK civil aviation authorities have lifted their flight ban on the two Super Puma variants
ERA is pursuing its own case against Airbus. It filed a lawsuit in the District Court of Dallas County, Texas, against Airbus on 21 November 2016. The case concerns the “fraudulent inducement and unjust enrichment in connection with the sale of the H225” and ERA is seeking compensation.